As every year, the Shanghai ranking list was published on August 15.
French universities already in the top 100 are all progressing.
American and British institutions remain omnipresent at the top of the rankings.
The Shanghai ranking of the world’s top universities was published on August 15..
Paris-Saclay progresse encore cette année et vient se hisser à la 12e place
ex-aequo with Cornell University. Never before has a French university ranked so highly in the prestigious Shanghai ranking: 12th in the world.
And it’s not the only one to make progress and reach an unprecedented position.
After being ranked 15th in 2023, the French university Paris-Saclay has moved up three places to 12th.
The experimental public establishment, created in 2020 and grouping together several schools such as CentraleSupélec, AgroParisTech and the university technology institutes (IUT) of Cachan, Orsay and Sceaux, is continuing its ascent, having already moved up one place last year.
Find the full ranking: ShanghaiRanking’s Academic Ranking of World Universities


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