Thank you for your UK pledge by bank transfer
Accueil > Thank you for your UK pledge by bank transfer
Thank you for your pledge!
You have chosen to proceed by bank transfer.
You will find below the bank account details of UK Friends of CentraleSupelec to finalize your donation.
Account name : The UK Friends of CentraleSupelec
Bank : CAF Bank Ltd
Account Number : 00031699
Sort CODE : 40-52-40
IBAN Number : GB24CAFB40524000031699
We will confirm once the funds are in place and send you your tax receipt as soon as possible.
A form will so be sent to you if you want to gift aid your donation.
We thank you again for being part of our community of donors committed to CentraleSupélec and its students. Thanks to you, our Foundation continues its mission to serve the excellence and development of our school.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact :
Audrey DUVAL
Head of UK Alumni relations
UK-based charity details :
UK Friends of CentraleSupelec
Charity number : 1172405
20 Old Bailey, London EC4M 7AN