500 K€
Supporting change and preparing for the future
CentraleSupélec graduates are destined to lead a world of unprecedented change. The School must therefore continuously innovate in order to be one step ahead of the needs of scientific and technical transformations. This is why the CentraleSupélec Foundation dedicates funding to the pedagogical development in the engineering curriculum and to the creation of new pioneering courses.
A priority: pedagogical innovation
Continuous enrichment of the engineering curriculum
The Foundation supports the creation of new courses and thematic sequences in the 1stand 2nd years, for example:
> 2 new 2nd year courses launched in 2021 under the Foundation’s call for projects for sustainable development: one focused on studying 3 innovations poised to transform the industry related to personal mobility, and the other on science outreach techniques to create communication materials suitable for the general public;
>the “Energy and Climate” thematic sequence, which benefits from the LSCE climatology courses of Jean Jouzel and Valérie Masson- Delmotte, and whose volume will double in 2022-2023.
New pedagogical projects
With the help of its corporate partners, the Foundation supports :
>the “Project Poles”allowing students to respond in teams to concrete problems posed by companies
> innovative sessions such as Coding Weeks dedicated to programming or Start Up Week dedicated to entrepreneurship.
New pioneering courses
For example, the Foundation contributed to the launch of the Global Bachelor of Engineering: a program created jointly by CentraleSupélec and McGill University (Canada), which, as of the start of the 2023 academic year, will offer the best of European and North American engineering, an unprecedented degree of internationalization, and a global vision strengthened by the integration of the human and social sciences

With three permanent staff members, including an educational engineer and an educational design project manager, this team, financed in part by the Foundation, is responsible for supporting teachers in the development of ambitious educational projects. It encourages them to experiment with new face-to-face and remote activities, and allows them to develop new skills throughout their career, notably by offering them robust technical and methodological support.
Thanks to the CentraleSupélec Foundation, the Pedagogy Pole has also created a network of pedagogical referents within the teaching departments.
The Foundation at the heart of the deployment of skills validation
As part of its new engineering curriculum, CentraleSupélec wishes to evaluate students differently by moving from “knowledge validation” to “progressive validation of skills”.
Nine key competencies have been identified, which combine 4 major dimensions: science, soft skills, innovation and entrepreneurship, ethics and sustainability.
Thanks to the support of the Foundation, the School is now deploying activities in which the exercise and development of these skills can be observed. This project will take more than a year to complete and is coordinated by the Education Department.
Pedagogy in the digital age
As a leading digital school, CentraleSupélec makes every effort to respond to students’ appetite for new technologies and to their desire to play an active role in their course of study through a teaching method that effectively combines distance learning and classroom teaching. The Foundation supports the deployment of these new teaching and learning experiences, and has already enabled :

The deployment of
the School's

27 rooms with audio
and video
recording systems

The creation of the
MySchool portal dedicated
to supporting
MyDocker :
the virtualization
for practical work
Thanks to support from the Foundation of more than 80 K€, CentraleSupélec has set up a new system allowing students to access digital simulation environments for mathematics or physics, computer programming or robotics, and data processing / AI from anywhere and at any time.
Each teacher can thus easily integrate online work sequences into his or her teaching activity, on the software of his or her choice, and the students can access them with a click. An asset to mark out the lessons with practical applications that can last a few minutes or take the form of a classic 3-hour practical session, or a project to be carried out independently over several days or weeks.
The platform, integrated into the online course space, also makes it possible to create a library of practical work shared by all teachers.
You too support pedagogical innovation !
In 2020, the Foundation devoted €400K to the deployment of new courses and pedagogical projects, the creation of new training programs, and the acquisition of new state-of-the-art equipment to serve new teaching and learning experiences.