Round table on the book “CentraleSupélec, inventor of engineers”

Round table on the book “CentraleSupélec, inventor of engineers”

On Tuesday, April 13, 2021, a roundtable discussion was held on the book “CentraleSupélec, inventor of engineers”, moderated by Brousse Jean (class of 1970) of Éditions du Cherche Midi, the publisher of this beautiful work dedicated to CentraleSupélec and its history.

Jean’s good mood was communicative and we spent a very interesting moment of exchange. More than 70 participants logged in.

On Tuesday, April 13, 2021, a roundtable discussion was held on the book “CentraleSupélec, inventor of engineers”, moderated by Brousse Jean (class of 1970) of Éditions du Cherche Midi, the publisher of this beautiful work dedicated to CentraleSupélec and its history.
Jean’s good mood was communicative and we spent a very interesting moment of exchange. More than 70 participants logged in.

This book is the result of a huge effort involving many people within the school’s management, as well as CentraleSupélec Alumni and the CentraleSupélec Foundation.

Were you unable to attend the roundtable? Watch the replay here!

Thanks again to all the speakers for their constructive testimonies.

If you have not yet purchased the book, it is available online on various platforms, such as:

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